Residential Solar

Residential solar information

There are a lot of factors to consider when going solar for your home.

But the good news first:

Solar is becoming more and more affordable every day. Besides, advances in technology are making solar installations easier than ever before.

Want to reduce your monthly expenses?

Here's how.

As we all know solar is a renewable source of energy.

That means installing solar panels in your home can help you save money on your utility bills, and reduce your carbon footprint simultaneously.

If you’re interested in installing a solar system on your property, then you’re in luck. The solar industry is growing by leaps and bounds, and solar panel prices are dropping faster than ever before.

In addition to the financial benefits, installing solar panels on your home also has a number of aesthetic benefits as well. Solar panels can improve the appearance of your home and can even increase its value.

Whether you're just starting to research solar or are ready to take the plunge, we at Motion got you covered.

Below we'll answer some of the most common questions about solar for homeowners.

Save money and increase home value

Here's the good news!

Not only are the installation costs minimal, but solar panels can also save you money on electricity bills in the long run.

Let's talk numbers, owning solar can save you up to 50% of your monthly bills. That means, the average household can keep in their pockets between $40,000 - $50,000 every year!

Wouldn't it be great to invest in energy solutions that are affordable and better for our planet?

With solar panels on your roof, You can also increase home market value if you ever decide to sell your house. Not only do green living budget-conscious buyers will be more attracted to your property but also you have a higher chance of selling house quicker.

Dependability and renewability

Let’s talk about the environment.

Solar panels produce clean, sustainable energy that reduces our dependence on oil and gas. Minimizing our reliance on these fossil fuels is always a win for the economy and the environment.

Solar means saving the planet in a sustainable manner. Because it doesn't deplete the Earth's resources in any way while deriving clean, pure energy from the sun.

In other words, there is no harmful emission with solar panels.

Solar cells absorb light particles known as photons and use their solar energy to generate electricity via a process called the photovoltaic effect.

Incentives: tax credits, state incentives

Investing in solar panels means investing in energy independence.

Due to the increasing popularity in solar energy over the last decade there are plenty of solar incentives available around the country.

For example, solar panel owners are eligible to claim solar tax credit across several states in the US. Depending when you installed your system you can claim in between 20% -26% tax credit.

Basically, you will be able to get a deduction on the cost of installing solar energy in your home from your federal taxes.

On top of that, there are many grants available for homeowners across different states. Such as, bill credits for producing more energy than the one consumed or even refunds for installing solar panels on your roof.

These programs help you save money on solar panels while reducing the financial burden for American families who chose alternative energy solutions.

What are you waiting? Get your panels and let the sun do all the work!

Can I go solar?

We're glad you asked.

Absolutely yes!

We are a group of solar professionals passionate about educating you, your community and homeowners across the country with solar know-how.

We provide solar education so that you can make the best decision for yourself and your home.

And solar is more affordable than ever.

Our solar experts are here to help you through every step of the process.

Connecting homeowners to custom solar solutions

If you’re a homeowner interested in sustainable energy, contact us to learn more about your solar options, connect with leading solar brands, and get started transitioning your home to clean energy.